Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Something to think about...(from BCTDW)

Something ugly has happened in our country. Our national dialogue has taken on a tone that is unforgiving, intolerant, and malicious. Our airwaves, newspapers, and bookstores overflow with nastiness, meanness, judgement, and maliciousness. The loudest voices sound their views with self-righteous fervor and vindictiveness. When we disdain and demoralize each other, there is no hope for working together toward a better society.

Protestant theologian, C.S. Lewis wrote, “Democracy demands that little men should not take big ones too seriously; it dies when it is full of little men who think they are big themselves.” Linda Seger, Th.D. and author of Jesus Rode a Donkey suggests that perhaps it is time we denounce this rhetoric, for the sake of democracy.

We are a diverse people, a pluralistic society and as such, our nation requires tolerance, understanding, and accommodation. So, how then do we express our dissent and discuss our differences without being defensive or judgmental of others? And what values do we want in government, in our social and political landscape?

Most people don’t really care at all about the Left or the Right. Most people are tired of political rhetoric and of the endless divisiveness that this discourse generates. People are yearning for a whole different level of discourse. Most people want to see the human race get over its petty struggles, its nationalism and wars, its racism and demeaning of others. Freedom. Equality. Honesty. Justice. Mercy. Compassion. These are the values most of us espouse.

I believe that the Democratic Party’s current agenda: to end the war, provide for the poor, save the environment, protect civil liberties, fight for social justice, respect for the rights of minorities and groups that have faced discrimination or oppression in the past, end torture, respect human rights is consistent with the values of most Americans. We can come together and change and heal our world.

I pray for the well being of our country and all people on our planet. And I ask for God’s blessings not only for those who agree with me but also for those who don’t.

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