Monday, December 03, 2007

Response to blogger

Bell County Democratic Chair Arthur Resa responded to the post regarding the BCD's stance on Hillary:

Repukes are scared to death of Hillary, who is unstoppable and I would bet two to one she will be our next president. Hillary has the ability to use both sides of the brain, which is called critical thinking. Critical thinking is vital to making educated decisions and communicating. Critical thinkers make good leaders and other leaders work well with them.... thus creating harmony. George Bush uses only one side of his brain (non-critical) which makes him a bad decision maker and poor communicator. People who use only one side of the brain are destined to be failures and take down those around them using the blame game. Mike Gravel and Dennis K. are what Repukes and far left Democrats typify as true Democrats, due to their liberal views. What voters need to know is that there are conservative democrats within the ranks. These conservative democrats are quickly promoted due to their ability to reach across party lines and are more electable (critical thinkers). As far as Ron Paul, he is what I would call a conservative democrat. He will come in last among the Republican candidates.

1 comment:

larry.cowan said...

Arthur, You better watch out. Someone might take you up on your t to 1 bet. If Obama wins NH and SC (and he is leading the polls in both), Hillary will have a real fight on her hands.